Then Jesus left the Jordan, full of the Holy Spirit and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty days to be tempted by the devil. (Luke 4:1 CSB)
To follow Jesus faithfully and be led by the Spirit does not negate the presence of temptations. In fact, it may even invite it.
Following His baptism in the Jordan River, when the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus, Jesus exited the waters and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness where He faced temptations by the devil for forty days. The devil’s intention was to disrupt and destroy the ministry of Jesus and to stop Him from fulfilling His mission from the Father. Yet, in every case, Jesus stood firm against the demonic temptations.
What was the key to His success? How was Jesus able to remain faithful in the face of an onslaught of temptation? A Spirit-filled life coupled with a mind saturated in the Scriptures enabled Jesus to remain faithful in the face of temptation. In each case, filled by the Spirit, Jesus simply shut down the lies of the enemy with the truth of what God had spoken.
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)
He was faithful. Every. Single. Time. This is good news!
This path of faithfulness by Jesus is the same path that I need to step into more and more. As I follow Jesus, temptations are sure to come. They should be expected. The devil is not finished in his efforts to take me out and disrupt what God has called me to be and do.
But God is greater. I have every weapon of warfare available to me to remain faithful in the face of temptation. A life surrendered to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. A mind saturated in the Scriptures. A heart that is prayerfully dependent. And a community of brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage me more and more.
Some days I’ll get it right. Others I’ll fall flat on my face. But His grace is immeasurable. And ultimately, faithfulness is possible as I look to Jesus.
Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and grace to help us in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)